Tag Archives: early childhood education

Teacher Tom on Connections & Play-Based Learning

Powered by RedCircle Teacher Tom says “kids haven’t changed at all” over recent decades. “Kids still need freedom to play, to follow their own curiosity,to ask and answer questions,and to learn how to get along with other people,” he says. Nurturing Kids & Building Connections The first five years of a child’s life “should be … Continue reading Teacher Tom on Connections & Play-Based Learning

Dads Matter (w Marion Hill)

Powered by RedCircle   Dads matter.  Men matter. To become their best, boys need involved dads and male teachers, coaches, & mentors. But when Marion Hill began working in early childhood education in Phoenix, he “noticed there weren’t a lot of fathers around,” he says. Recognizing dads’ importance to kids’ social, emotional, and cognitive development, … Continue reading Dads Matter (w Marion Hill)