Parenting for Gender Equity

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Gender equity begins at home.

Policies matter, of course, but not as much as parenting.

Think about that for a moment. 

Parents need to think & talk about gender stereotypes and expectations because those stereotypes and expectations affect our parenting, says Shelly Vaziri Flais, a pediatrician, mom of four, and author of Nurturing Boys to Be Better Men: Gender Equality Starts at Home. Gender also affects our boys’ experiences in the world, so if we don’t consciously consider gender in our parenting — and strive for equity — we may end up intentionally perpetuating the same stereotypes that have historically limited women and men.

“It’s about nurturing the child as a whole human being,” Dr. Shelly says.

In this episode, Jen, Janet, & Dr. Shelly discuss:
  • Equity vs. equality
  • Gender stereotypes & expectations
  • Addressing parental differences regarding gender-based expectations
  • Helping boys manage gender stereotypes
  • Parenting 4 kids under age 4
Links we mentioned (or should have) in this episode:

Nurturing Boys to Be Better Men: Gender Equality Starts at Home, by Shelly Vaziri Flais, MD

Gender Equality, Boys, & Men — ON BOYS episode

The Gender Equation in Schools — ON BOYS  episode

Gender Norms Limit Boys (& Girls) — ON BOYS episode

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