Tag Archives: Factor

Protein, Creatine, & Performance Enhancing Drugs

Powered by RedCircle Protein, creatine, & performance enhancing drugs are common in boy world. In fact, most teen boys experiment with them at some point. Approximately 80% of teenage boys say they’ve used a protein supplement within the last 12 months, says Kyle Ganson, an assistant professor who researches boys and body image. “There’s a … Continue reading Protein, Creatine, & Performance Enhancing Drugs

Advocating for Boys

Powered by RedCircle Advocating for boys is one way to help boys and men thrive. At present, there are no governmental commissions working on behalf of boys and men in the United States. Not at the federal level & not at the state level. Even though boys lag behind girls in academic achievement and boys … Continue reading Advocating for Boys

Gifted & Twice-Exceptional (2E) Boys

Powered by RedCircle Gifted & twice-exceptional boys often struggle in school, despite their intelligence & talents. In fact, boys who are gifted or twice-exceptional (which means they are gifted & have a learning disability) are considered “problem kids.” Teachers (and other adults) may make boredom as lack of focus, or assume that poor grades indicate … Continue reading Gifted & Twice-Exceptional (2E) Boys

Real Talk About Fentanyl, Opioids, & Marijuana

Powered by RedCircle Like it or not, fentanyl, other opioids, and marijuana are part of our boys’ world. “It is very easy to get drugs on social media,” says Michelle Leopold, a mother whose son, Trevor, died after taking a pill he purchase online. Ignoring these uncomfortable fact isn’t helpful. We have to educate ourselves … Continue reading Real Talk About Fentanyl, Opioids, & Marijuana

Autonomy-Supportive Parenting

Powered by RedCircle Have you heard of autonomy-supportive parenting?  Essentially, it’s the opposite of helicopter parenting. It’s a parenting style that allows, supports, and encourages kids to make decisions and take action. And unlike helicopter parenting, which demands near-constant parental activity, autonomy-supportive parenting also supports parental rest (and can reduce burnout). “Intensive parenting is not … Continue reading Autonomy-Supportive Parenting

Parenting for Gender Equity

Powered by RedCircle Gender equity begins at home. Policies matter, of course, but not as much as parenting. Think about that for a moment.  Parents need to think & talk about gender stereotypes and expectations because those stereotypes and expectations affect our parenting, says Shelly Vaziri Flais, a pediatrician, mom of four, and author of … Continue reading Parenting for Gender Equity

Dr. Friendtastic on Boys & Friendship

Powered by RedCircle Boys are twice as likely as girls to be friendless in middle school. And by adulthood, 1 in 5 men say they don’t have any close friends. Friendship matters for guys too – but clearly, boys face some unique challenges. “Boys & men have special challenges because of the image of how … Continue reading Dr. Friendtastic on Boys & Friendship

Parenting Beyond Power with Jen Lumanlan

Powered by RedCircle Jen Lumanlan, author of Parenting Beyond Power: How to Use Connection & Collaboration to Transform Your Family, believes there’s a direct link between parenting and social justice. “The way that we raise our children — the daily interactions that we have with them that seem like they’re about discipline — actually support … Continue reading Parenting Beyond Power with Jen Lumanlan

Devorah Heitner on Growing Up in Public

Powered by RedCircle Our boys are growing up in public. Between social media, online monitoring, and geo-tracking, our kids’ lives are public in a way ours never were when we were young. Helping kids manage this digital landscape can be a challenge for parents and adults who often worry and frequently ignore the upsides of … Continue reading Devorah Heitner on Growing Up in Public

Calm the Chaos: Parenting Challenging Kids

Powered by RedCircle How do you calm the chaos in your household? Big emotions, power struggles, and challenging behaviors can create (& feed!) chaos, affecting the entire family. And it’s next to impossible for anyone to operate at their best in a constant state of chaos. “I felt like an absolute failure for the first … Continue reading Calm the Chaos: Parenting Challenging Kids