Tag Archives: muscle dysmorphia

Protein, Creatine, & Performance Enhancing Drugs

Powered by RedCircle Protein, creatine, & performance enhancing drugs are common in boy world. In fact, most teen boys experiment with them at some point. Approximately 80% of teenage boys say they’ve used a protein supplement within the last 12 months, says Kyle Ganson, an assistant professor who researches boys and body image. “There’s a … Continue reading Protein, Creatine, & Performance Enhancing Drugs

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) & Muscle Dysmorphia

Powered by RedCircle There’s a connection between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) & muscle dysmorphia, which is a strong desire to bulk up your body. According to new research by Kyle Ganson, an assistant professor in Canada & a licensed clinical social worker who’s worked with teenagers & young adults, boys who experience abuse, neglect, incarceration or … Continue reading Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) & Muscle Dysmorphia

Body Image, Eating Disorders, & Boys

Powered by RedCircle Body image concerns and eating disorders affect boys too.  As many as 75% of adolescent boys are dissatisfied with their bodies. 3% are now using steroids in an attempt to alter their bodies, 7% use supplements, and a 2019 study found that 1 in 5 guys aged 18-24 had an eating disorder … Continue reading Body Image, Eating Disorders, & Boys

Boys and Body Image

Almost 1/3 of boys are trying to gain weight or bulk up.  For years, body image concerns were thought to be a female issue. But superhero costumes for toddler boys  now come equipped with built-in muscles, and popular teen shows such as Outer Banks cast 20-something actors with chiseled faces and abs as 16-year-olds, creating … Continue reading Boys and Body Image