Tag Archives: adverse childhood experiences

Marc Hauser on Building Resilience

Powered by RedCircle Building boys’ resilience can help them thrive, says Marc Hauser.  Even if they’ve experienced a lot of adversity. “Adversity experienced by children is not a rare event, but a relatively common event,” says Marc, author of Vulnerable Minds: The Harms of Childhood Trauma & the Hope of Resilience. Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) may … Continue reading Marc Hauser on Building Resilience

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) & Muscle Dysmorphia

Powered by RedCircle There’s a connection between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) & muscle dysmorphia, which is a strong desire to bulk up your body. According to new research by Kyle Ganson, an assistant professor in Canada & a licensed clinical social worker who’s worked with teenagers & young adults, boys who experience abuse, neglect, incarceration or … Continue reading Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) & Muscle Dysmorphia

Addiction Inoculation with Jessica Lahey

Can you prevent addiction? Or alcoholism?  After all, no one dreams of taking their son to rehab. Or arguing with him, repeatedly, about his use of pot, alcohol or meth. When our babies are little, we tell ourselves that if we do everything right, our sons can avoid alcoholism and addiction. But that’s simply not true.  … Continue reading Addiction Inoculation with Jessica Lahey