Tag Archives: Winona

Opioids & Narcan: What You Need to Know

Powered by RedCircle If you think you don’t know anybody who takes opioids, have you asked? Those are the word of Julia Pinksy, an Oregon-based mom who lost her son to an opioid overdose. “It’s been 10 years since he passed,” she says,”which seems unbeleivable.” In the years since, Julia has devoted herself to opioid … Continue reading Opioids & Narcan: What You Need to Know

Do Schools Create “Problem Boys?”

Powered by RedCircle Boys don’t do as well in school as girls. On the whole, they earn lower grades and more disciplinary referrals. You will typically find more boys in detention than at the top of the class. Are boys the problem? Is there something about masculinity, something about male biology that contributes to these … Continue reading Do Schools Create “Problem Boys?”

Protein, Creatine, & Performance Enhancing Drugs

Powered by RedCircle Protein, creatine, & performance enhancing drugs are common in boy world. In fact, most teen boys experiment with them at some point. Approximately 80% of teenage boys say they’ve used a protein supplement within the last 12 months, says Kyle Ganson, an assistant professor who researches boys and body image. “There’s a … Continue reading Protein, Creatine, & Performance Enhancing Drugs

50/50 Shared Parenting

Powered by RedCircle 50/50 shared parenting is good for boys & good for parents.  But it’s not yet the norm, despite decades of research demonstrating the value of shared parenting. “It’s one part sexism and one part misunderstanding of the latest social science around what it best for kids,” says Emma Johnson, author of The … Continue reading 50/50 Shared Parenting

Marc Hauser on Building Resilience

Powered by RedCircle Building boys’ resilience can help them thrive, says Marc Hauser.  Even if they’ve experienced a lot of adversity. “Adversity experienced by children is not a rare event, but a relatively common event,” says Marc, author of Vulnerable Minds: The Harms of Childhood Trauma & the Hope of Resilience. Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) may … Continue reading Marc Hauser on Building Resilience

Debt Free Mom Discusses Family Finances

Powered by RedCircle “Debt Free Mom” (aka Carly Hill) knows that family finances can be a fraught topic. Yet family finances affect every aspect of family life: A family’s stress level, as well as housing, education, and recreational choices. Family finances play into decisions such as rec sports or travel team? Private school or public … Continue reading Debt Free Mom Discusses Family Finances

Maggie Dent: Build Up Dads to Benefit Boys

Powered by RedCircle Many Dads want to “step up with their hearts” and “actively parent,” says Maggie Dent, Australian parenting author and host of The Good Enough Dad and Parental As Anything podcasts.  “They want to know how to do it well,” she says, noting that most dads have little experience caring for (or interacting … Continue reading Maggie Dent: Build Up Dads to Benefit Boys

Middle School: Misunderstood or Magic?

Powered by RedCircle Is middle school misunderstood — or magic? For most of us — and many of our kids — middle school is a pretty miserable time. But that’s largely because most educators and parents misunderstand middle schoolers & these critical years. “This is a very pervasive story, that middle school is terrible. But … Continue reading Middle School: Misunderstood or Magic?

Needed: Boy-Friendly Schools

Powered by RedCircle Most schools today aren’t boy-friendly.  That’s one (big!) reason why boys lag behind girls academically. And why so many boys hate going to school. Tyler, a 16-year-old Texas boy, started struggling in middle school. Recess was no more. Classes were 90 minutes long. So, “he found it really hard to sit still … Continue reading Needed: Boy-Friendly Schools