Tag Archives: sexual violence

Melinda Wenner Moyer: Raising Boys Who Aren’t Assholes

Powered by RedCircle You don’t want to raise an asshole.  None of us do! Melinda Wenner Moyer, a science journalist, author, and mom of two, says that science can show us the way. In 2021, she published How to Raise Kids Who Aren’t Assholes: Science-Based Strategies for Better Parenting – from Tots to Teens. Melinda … Continue reading Melinda Wenner Moyer: Raising Boys Who Aren’t Assholes

Empowering Boys to Challenge Rape Culture

Empowering boys to challenge rape culture is one way we can decrease sexual violence, says Gordon Braxton, an anti-violence educator and activist who formerly served as the Director of Men’s Outreach on Sexual Violence Prevention at Harvard University. Currently, most of us “spend little to no time empowering boys to raise their voices against sexual … Continue reading Empowering Boys to Challenge Rape Culture