Tag Archives: Ruth Whippman

BoyMom Ruth Whippman on Reimagining Boyhood

Powered by RedCircle BoyMom Ruth Whippman has spent significant time reimagining boyhood. As a mom of 3 boys, she knows that raising boys today is a complex endeavor. As she writes in her book, BOYMOM: Reimagining Boyhood in the Age of Impossible Masculinity, “Boys in America (and worldwide) are going through something of a crisis … Continue reading BoyMom Ruth Whippman on Reimagining Boyhood

Raising Boys Documentary

CBSN recently released a new documentary, Raising Boys. Among those featured in the documentary: our very own Jennifer L.W. Fink. The intent of the documentary, says producer Kayla Ruble, was to examine “what issues lead to the headlines” that so often announce stories of men behaving badly. The intent was to search for answers to … Continue reading Raising Boys Documentary