Tag Archives: Q & A

Listener Q & A: Getting Curious & Motivating Boys

Powered by RedCircle How, exactly, does one “get curious” about their son without badgering him? That’s a big, important question, and that’s exactly what Jennifer wants to know: Lately, as he is resisting my normal questioning…I feel like I am now pushing him to evaluate his feelings, talk to me, or just engage…I have seen … Continue reading Listener Q & A: Getting Curious & Motivating Boys

Listener Q & A: Punishment, Teenage Boys, & Letting Go

Powered by RedCircle How do you make space for a teenage boy to make his own mistakes? Especially when said teenager is frustrating, annoying, and contributing to family chaos? Sandra said: Teenager years are frustrating — wanting to tell him what do, yet I know he needs to make his own mistakes. Throw in toddler … Continue reading Listener Q & A: Punishment, Teenage Boys, & Letting Go

Raising Boys in an Era of Girl Power (Listener Q & A)

Raising boys brings up all kinds of questions. No matter how long you’ve been parenting, educating or working with boys, you’re bound to stumble into a situation that you don’t quite know how to handle — on a weekly basis. At least. In this listener Q & A, we tackle some evergreen questions. Jen also … Continue reading Raising Boys in an Era of Girl Power (Listener Q & A)