Tag Archives: emotional development

Andrew Reiner: What Boys Need

Powered by RedCircle Boys need support, not disdain In June 2024, Andrew Reiner, author of Better Boys, Better Men: The New Masculinity That Creates Greater Courage and Emotional Resiliency, published an article entitled “Our culture’s trashing of boys & men is having toxic consequences.” In this episode, he and Jen discuss what boys need & … Continue reading Andrew Reiner: What Boys Need

Stop, Drop, Grow, and Glow with Holly Swenson

Powered by RedCircle Stop, drop, grow, and glow? That’s Holly Swenson’s advice to parents. Swenson, a RN-turned-writer and mom of 4 boys (currently ages 10, 13, 15, & 15) was approximately seven years into parenting when she realized that “when you are taking care of yourself, you’re better able to take care of everyone in … Continue reading Stop, Drop, Grow, and Glow with Holly Swenson

Modern Male Puberty is Awkward

Powered by RedCircle Modern male puberty starts earlier than you think. It may start as early as age 9 in boys – which means that the mood swings you’re seeing in your 10-year-old son could well be puberty-related. After all, as Cara Natterson & Vanessa Kroll Bennett write in their book This is So Awkward: … Continue reading Modern Male Puberty is Awkward

Lisa Damour on The Emotional Lives of Teens

Powered by RedCircle Dr. Lisa Damour is our go-to expert regarding the emotional lives of teens.  She is a psychologist & author of The Emotional Lives of Teenagers: Raising Connected, Capable, and Compassionate Adolescents, and although her previous two books were a deep dive into the world of girls, she gets boys. Consider this sentence: … Continue reading Lisa Damour on The Emotional Lives of Teens

Phyllis Fagell Discusses Middle School Superpowers

Powered by RedCircle Middle school students are “superheroes in the making,” says Phyllis Fagell, a school counselor, mom, and author of Middle School Superpowers: Raising Resilient Tweens in Turbulent Times. If that sounds crazy to you, consider this: middle schoolers and superheroes “both get catapulted out of a world they know and sent on a … Continue reading Phyllis Fagell Discusses Middle School Superpowers

Why Now is the Best Time to Raise Boys (w Michael Reichert)

Powered by RedCircle Now is the best time to raise boys, says psychologist Michael Reichert, founding director of the Center for the Study of Boys’ & Girls’ Lives, author of How to Raise a Boy, and co-author of Equimundo’s recent State of American Men report.  It doesn’t feel that way to many parents (or boys), … Continue reading Why Now is the Best Time to Raise Boys (w Michael Reichert)

Fostering Connection to Build Social & Emotional Health

Powered by RedCircle Fostering Connection: Building Social and Emotional Health in Children and Teens is the latest book by Dr. Tish Taylor, a child psychologist with more than 25 years of experience. Fostering connection is also key to boys’ social, emotional, and overall well-being. But how do we teach our boys to connect? How can … Continue reading Fostering Connection to Build Social & Emotional Health

More Wisdom from Teacher Tom

Powered by RedCircle Kids “haven’t changed at all” during the 20+ years Teacher Tom has been working with young children, he says. Parents have, though. And so has society. There’s an increased concern for safety and academic performance, and a lot of anxiety about kids’ futures. “I think there’s more fear, and more fear of … Continue reading More Wisdom from Teacher Tom

Teen Boys’ Emotional Lives

Powered by RedCircle Teen boys mystify (and frustrate) their parents. Especially their moms. But there’s a lot going on behind and beneath that sometimes stony exterior. Teen boys are not devoid of emotions; in fact, they devote a lot of time and attention to managing and controlling their emotions. They may not show their emotions … Continue reading Teen Boys’ Emotional Lives

Listener Q & A: Supporting Sibling Relationships, Finding Common Ground & More

Powered by RedCircle How do you support sibling relationships and build brother-sister bonds? Or connect with a tween son? Those are just a few of the questions Jen & Janet tackle in 2023’s first listener Q & A. Matthew says: We have 3 boys (15, 17, & 19) and 3 girls (2, 9, & 13)…our … Continue reading Listener Q & A: Supporting Sibling Relationships, Finding Common Ground & More