Tag Archives: adolescence

Male Puberty Starts Sooner Than You Think

Powered by RedCircle Modern male puberty starts sooner than you think.  Boys today may enter puberty as early as age nine. That’s why your 10-year-old’s mood swings might actually be linked to these new hormonal shifts. As Cara Natterson and Vanessa Kroll Bennett point out in their book, This Is So Awkward: Modern Puberty Explained, … Continue reading Male Puberty Starts Sooner Than You Think

Best of 2024

Powered by RedCircle Which ON BOYS episodes were the Best of 2024?  Your favorites include: 5. Needed: Boy-Friendly Schools Tyler, a 16-year-old Texas boy, started struggling in middle school. Recess was no more. Classes were 90 minutes long. So, “he found it really hard to sit still in class,” says Julie Jargon, the Wall Street Journal Family … Continue reading Best of 2024

Modern Male Puberty is Awkward

Powered by RedCircle Modern male puberty starts earlier than you think. It may start as early as age 9 in boys – which means that the mood swings you’re seeing in your 10-year-old son could well be puberty-related. After all, as Cara Natterson & Vanessa Kroll Bennett write in their book This is So Awkward: … Continue reading Modern Male Puberty is Awkward

Maggie Dent on How to Motivate Boys

Powered by RedCircle Want to know how to motivate boys? Toss out your outdated beliefs about boys and men, says Maggie Dent, Australia’s “boy champion” and author of From Boys to Men: Guiding Our Teen Boys to Grow Into Healthy, Happy Men.  “Our boys aren’t these tough, unfeeling humans,” she says. “They’ve got incredibly tender … Continue reading Maggie Dent on How to Motivate Boys

You-ology: Puberty for Every Body

Puberty happens to every body – and boys need to know how puberty affects bodies and brains. You-ology: A Puberty Guide for EVERY Body, by Dr. Trish Hutchison, Dr. Kathryn Lowe, & Dr. Melissa Homes, addresses puberty in a holistic, inclusive manner. That’s important because “all kids need this information,” Dr. Hutchison says. “All kids … Continue reading You-ology: Puberty for Every Body

Dr. Jon Lasser on Expanding Boys’ Opportunities

Dr. Jon Lasser believes we all have a role to play in expanding boys’ opportunities. The Man Box and Boy Code still limit and shape boys’ behavior. And although there are plenty of books and TV shows that encourage girls to step past gendered boundaries, there are far fewer resources for boys and their parents. … Continue reading Dr. Jon Lasser on Expanding Boys’ Opportunities

ON BOYS Most Popular Episode of 2020

Dr. Cara Natterson’s book, Decoding Boys: New Science Behind the Subtle Art of Raising Sons, came out in February 2020 & made a big splash. Kirkus Reviews calls it, “A common-sensical, gently humorous exploration of male puberty’s many trials” and a New York Times article declared, “…for rational, evidence-based advice on how to talk to your … Continue reading ON BOYS Most Popular Episode of 2020

Decoding Boys with Dr. Cara Natterson

Wouldn’t it be great if boys came with a magic decoder ring to help you decode their mysteries and moods?  Dr. Cara Natterson’s book, Decoding Boys: New Science Behind the Subtle Art of Raising Sons, is the next best thing. If you have boys, you’ll want to add this one to your bookshelf (or check … Continue reading Decoding Boys with Dr. Cara Natterson

134: Rites of Passage

  Traditional societies had many (often elaborate) rites of passage for boys and girls. On the South Pacific island of Vanuatu, boys become men after diving off rickety 40 foot platforms — toward the ground. (You may have seen or heard about this tradition on National Geographic.) In the Sioux culture, young boys were raised … Continue reading 134: Rites of Passage