Tag Archives: books for boys

Dr. Jon Lasser on Expanding Boys’ Opportunities

Dr. Jon Lasser believes we all have a role to play in expanding boys’ opportunities. The Man Box and Boy Code still limit and shape boys’ behavior. And although there are plenty of books and TV shows that encourage girls to step past gendered boundaries, there are far fewer resources for boys and their parents. … Continue reading Dr. Jon Lasser on Expanding Boys’ Opportunities

How (& Why) to Start a Boys’ Book Club

Can a book club help boys enjoy reading?  Yes, says Erin O’Donnell, a mom of two boys and author of How to Start a Kids Book Club. She and a bunch of other moms started a mother/son book club when their sons were in 3rd grade, on the cusp of the transition from learning to … Continue reading How (& Why) to Start a Boys’ Book Club

Wilderness Therapy w Paul Cumbo

He couldn’t sleep. Mike’s face stung from the gash and the stitches and a pulsing ache radiated from the back of his skull. His knuckles were shredded, and his arm throbbed under the thick bandages. Whether he closed or opened his eyes — even his EYES hurt — the images were there. Like grainy documentary … Continue reading Wilderness Therapy w Paul Cumbo