Tag Archives: reading

Set Boys Up for School Success

Powered by RedCircle How can boys experience school success?  Parents and educators frequently ask, “How do we help boys thrive in school?” A question we rarely ask is, What can boys do to set themselves up for school success? What can we do to help boys successfully navigate school? “It’s really essential that we, as parents … Continue reading Set Boys Up for School Success

Building Boys’ Reading and Literacy Skills

Reading and literacy are important life skills. But many boys struggle with reading and writing — and resist parents’ and teachers’ well-intended efforts to help them. Lots of boys are reluctant readers. Many hate writing. Teaching boys to read Middle school literacy instructional coach Todd Feltman says, “reading has to be taught in increments,” especially … Continue reading Building Boys’ Reading and Literacy Skills

The Gender Equation in Schools

 Gender bias affects boys’ experience in schools. It’s most often unconscious and unintentional bias but it affects how our boys see themselves and how they feel about school and learning. And until we admit that fact and grapple with the gender equation in schools, things aren’t going to get much better. Educator Jason Ablin learned that … Continue reading The Gender Equation in Schools

How to Raise a Feminist Son with Sonora Jha

You may wonder, how do you raise a feminist son? Or you might be wondering, WHY would you raise a feminist son?  What if we phrased it this way: How do you raise boys who respect and value all humans? “The word feminist, all over the world, has taken on so many definitions and meanings,” … Continue reading How to Raise a Feminist Son with Sonora Jha

How (& Why) to Start a Boys’ Book Club

Can a book club help boys enjoy reading?  Yes, says Erin O’Donnell, a mom of two boys and author of How to Start a Kids Book Club. She and a bunch of other moms started a mother/son book club when their sons were in 3rd grade, on the cusp of the transition from learning to … Continue reading How (& Why) to Start a Boys’ Book Club

Wilderness Therapy w Paul Cumbo

He couldn’t sleep. Mike’s face stung from the gash and the stitches and a pulsing ache radiated from the back of his skull. His knuckles were shredded, and his arm throbbed under the thick bandages. Whether he closed or opened his eyes — even his EYES hurt — the images were there. Like grainy documentary … Continue reading Wilderness Therapy w Paul Cumbo

The Summer Slide

Summer slide (noun): The loss of academic skills and knowledge over the course of summer vacation Parents (& educators) have long worried about the things kids “forget” over the summer. This year, on the tail of a pandemic-interrupted school year that launched valiant attempts at unplanned remote learning, parents (& educators) are more concerned than … Continue reading The Summer Slide