Tag Archives: NextGenMen

Jonathon Reed: To Connect with Boys, Listen

Powered by RedCircle To connect with boys, you must first listen, says Jonathon Reed, program manager for NextGenMen. Societal expectations of boys & men are gradually shifting. These shifting narratives are part of why it’s so important for adults to listen to boys. Adults’ interpretation and understanding of situations and interactions doesn’t necessarily reflect boys’ complex … Continue reading Jonathon Reed: To Connect with Boys, Listen

Best of 2023

Powered by RedCircle Which ON BOYS episodes were the Best of 2023?  Your favorites include: 5. Simplicity Parenting with Kim John Payne Simplicity parenting prioritizes a balanced schedule, predictable rhythm, and decluttered, information-filtered family environment… The antidote to constant overwhelm is simple, Payne says. It’s simplicity. He advises parents to “dial back”… 4. Parental Accommodation & … Continue reading Best of 2023

Talking to Tween & Teen Boys

Powered by RedCircle Jonathon Reed has a lot of experience talking to tween & teen boys.  As a program manager with NextGenMen, a Canadian organization dedicated to changing how the world sees, acts and thinks about masculinity, Reed frequently works with boys in grades 6-8. He says that while boys today are more comfortable wearing … Continue reading Talking to Tween & Teen Boys

Honoring Dads on Father’s Day (& Always)

Father’s Day here in America was first celebrated on June 19, 1910. It wasn’t declared an official holiday until 1972—58 years AFTER  Mother’s Day was made official. Dads have long been assumed to be secondary parents, at best. But popular and persistent stereotypes of fatherhood — though perhaps grounded in some truth — don’t accurately … Continue reading Honoring Dads on Father’s Day (& Always)

Raising LGBTQ Allies

How do we raise LBGTQ allies? We know boys are (still) subject to a lot of homophobia and transphobia. Our culture is full of messages that tell boys it’s best to be straight and stereotypically masculine. And though many of us think we’re raising our boys to tolerant, inclusive, and accepting, they may be getting … Continue reading Raising LGBTQ Allies

Empowering Boys w Laurie A. Couture

Empowering boys is one powerful way to address the boy crisis. Some people — often, people who don’t have or work with boys — wonder why boys need to be empowered. After all, they say, men still control most businesses and countries. But boys struggle in the classroom and in our communities. “Dangerous double standards” … Continue reading Empowering Boys w Laurie A. Couture

Raising Next Gen Men

How do we raise next gen men — men who can thrive in the 21st century? “When you’re on a playground, you can’t yell, ‘Hey, Tommy, cut that hegemonic masculinity out!’” says Jake Stika, co-founder of Next Gen Men, a Canadian organization dedicated to changing how the world sees, acts and thinks about masculinity. Parents, … Continue reading Raising Next Gen Men