Tag Archives: health

Christopher Pepper Discusses Health Education and Boys

Powered by RedCircle Health education varies greatly from place to place. Some boys receive great, age-appropriate, inclusive health education at school. Others do not. “It’s pretty inconsistent,” says Christopher Pepper, a health educator who currently teaches in the San Francisco Unified School District & is working on a book called TALK TO YOUR BOYS: 27 … Continue reading Christopher Pepper Discusses Health Education and Boys

Advanced Parenting with Dr. Kelly Fradin

Powered by RedCircle Advanced parenting may involve guiding a child through a mental health crisis. Or parenting a child with a chronic medical condition. Or both. It’s what parents must do when a child’s needs go beyond basic feeding, sheltering, loving, and nurturing. As a childhood cancer survivor and complex care pediatrician, Dr. Kelly Fradin … Continue reading Advanced Parenting with Dr. Kelly Fradin

Parenting Through Health Challenges

Parenting inevitably includes health challenges. Kids get sick. Parents get sick. And injuries and accidents happen more often than we’d like. Learning how to manage a medical diagnosis — and navigate the health system — is a crucial parenting skill. “Boy mom” and COVID, cancer and heart failure survivor Jen Singer has more medical system … Continue reading Parenting Through Health Challenges

Teens and Sleep with Lisa Lewis

Sleep is as important to our teens as our toddlers. But ensuring a teenage boy gets the sleep he needs is even more difficult than convincing a toddler to nap that day after you move him from the crib to a toddler bed. Teen boys are even more strong-willed than toddlers — and most are … Continue reading Teens and Sleep with Lisa Lewis

Keeping Boys Safe from Respiratory Viruses

Did you know that boys may be more susceptible to respiratory viruses than girls? Society tells us that boys are strong and tough, but the truth is that males are biologically fragile — from before birth all the way through to death. Male fetuses are more likely to be miscarried than female fetuses, especially during … Continue reading Keeping Boys Safe from Respiratory Viruses

Boys Get Eating Disorders Too

Males represent 25-40% of individuals with eating disorders. That’s not something people tell us when our boys are babies, and it’s not something most pediatricians mention at well-child checks — despite the fact that males are at a higher risk of dying from an eating disorder than females. “We have this notion that only a … Continue reading Boys Get Eating Disorders Too

Vaping & E-Cigarette Use: What Parents Need to Know

Nearly 1 in 3 high school seniors tried vaping in the last year.  Middle schoolers are vaping too. According to the Centers for Disease Control, e-cigarette use among middle school students increased by 48% between 2017 and 2018. Now, nearly 5% of middle school students in the United States vape on a regular basis. Kids … Continue reading Vaping & E-Cigarette Use: What Parents Need to Know

135: Tween Boys

Some call the tween years a “second toddlerhood.” Like toddlers, tweens are striving for independence and determined to do things on their own. Except when they’d rather not. Some days, they want nothing more than to be little kids again, cuddled in your lap. The mood swings of tween boys catch many parents off guard, … Continue reading 135: Tween Boys

116: Why Risk Is Important for Boys

How comfortable are you with risk? Do you respond with fear or encouragement when your son wants to try something new? How about when you find him climbing atop your tree house? Or doing flips off a public staircase? Adults’ desire to keep boys safe often interferes with boys’ ability to take chances and try … Continue reading 116: Why Risk Is Important for Boys